Thursday, September 08, 2005

Will God Forgive Us?

There comes a time
that we all must face
When life is so dead
No rainbows for tomorrow
No hope to see another day still
That we may choose to look
for another way
to stop the pain.

Will God Forgive us
if we were to question
the "Why?"
Why am I here, Father?
What purpose is there still?
Why do I feel more pain
in all that I try to do?

Why Father, do I still make
those stupid decisions
only to hurt myself further?

Why Father, do I still make
my life a pure hell?

Would God Forgive us
If we hated our life
as it is now?

Would God Forgive us
If we choose another way
A way that takes us from our pain?

What if the pain continues
With yet another stupid decision?
God Forbid!

Would God Forgive us
And let us come home
To embrace us
Fully knowing that
We could not indure the pain
Yet another day?

Would God Forgive Me?
I ask for I fear
More pain still to that which
In all that comes thereafter.

Would God Forgive Me?

Is there hope still
that just perhaps
God knows me
and understands me
that He will forgive me
if I look to my end
for the pain
is more than
I can bear.

Will God Forgive Me?

(c)TheBlackRose 8 September 2005


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