Monday, September 17, 2007

I Have A Story to Tell You

It is a true story and the facts are as I say.

Do you wish to hear the story of a Lovers Triangle?

They are always so messy, would you not agree?

THE Other Woman never knows as she thinks and proclaims. She is needy and a desperate soul always looking to be cared for and makes her way through life with those words that are her fantasy. She begs and whines and for a few moments is believed but the truth always comes out to her true character. She goes about in her idle ways and proclaims to have what she does not. She was given a chance but she will not accept that she lost because of her greed, stupidity and jealousy to hang onto what does not want her. The lies caught up.

Is she the fool?

THE Husband unsure of how to discharge her but holds her out of need. Need you say? Well, one might say since she could not hold the heart of him, she is nothing more than a roommate with benefits *snickers wickedly*. He is stressed, overworked and has no real time to think through but he only knows the deep craving desire to rekindle what he is about to lose with his wife. He begs and says the things he knows will win his wife's heart for she is a trusting soul and very in love with him.

Is he the fool ?

THE Wife felt cheated and betrayed only to move on and allow the two a life. ohhhhhhhh what is this ! Now the Husband declaring his true love belongs only to her alone and promises to prove his love if only she gives him another chance. With tears and emotions from deep within him as he swears to her, she listens and wishes it were so.

Is she the fool ?

Well now, this is the basis of my story.

Do come again and listen and you be the judge of "The Fool's Triangle"

Games people play.

What is the purpose ?

The secrets are exposed when one remains long enough and with an open mind to hear all sides of the tale. Are we foolish enough to listen to those that cry out the loudest thinking as we wish, they are good and honest?. Do we not realize that those among us are in a fantasy and even when told the truth, they refuse to accept that their life is not as they wish it to be ? Words spewed out through a hateful jealousy but deep within they know they don't have what it is they long for, begging for, with promises never seen. To be the fool within our closest friends and family would keep us within the insanity as we deny what is truth. Words spoken in happiness of what they possess but this is not real only as they wish it to be. Sadness dwells within the games people play.

Love is very emotional and always it is thought that if one remains long enough they can gain the heart of the one they chose to love them. It is not always possible; you know this without being told.

Fantasy is hot and wonderful until one lives with their lover and finds lies. When their intent is nothing more than a game of obsession and devious inner needs. As once said, “one can always be what they wish to be on the Internet" or in letters but then again the truth is bold and will not be denied for it is pure no matter the consequences of pain and insults. Is this a foolish game only those who are ignorant enough to think they can hide what is real?

Those who live a life of drama move around us and we see the drama and know the truth but still do we tie a black silken scarf around our eyes hoping it denies what we wish were not truth?

Are we not a fool when we think they lie to others but do not lie to us? Can a liar be trusted and is it our wish they will change only for us. Love is bold and emotional and surely they will change their evil ways to prove their devotion? Is that as it should be or are we the fool?

Do we want the immaturity of one that continues in a fantasy as one shows to be nothing more than an idiot with the tongue of the dark side?

Where is the cutting off point of turning one’s back and moving far away from the insanity? Surly love is not as blind as to hold to that which is dangerous to cause the insanity. How many times must an angry demand be heard for them to get out of anothers presence for them to leave the insanity but then with another breath to be told they will not be thrown out but they need to go and make their own way. There is only a show of compassion for that which is needy and nothing more than both needs being satisfied. Satisfied only for the moment for in the end it will be nothing to hold the simple bond of words. The need no longer can uphold the reason of insanity to remain with such abuse from those cold and dead moments shared. The moments are few and time is death to those that hold a fire that was never truly theirs.

What causes a person that truly proves time and time again an unconditional love, to hold to that which in their mind is not healthy or beneficial for an existence in the world, as we know it? Thus once again does one live in a fantasy and dream that may never be as should be?

What is to lose? To lose that which makes you crazy and dread the drama of returning back to it. If one dreads to return then why do they go back to one that makes a sickness dwell deep within their gut thus making the hate grow? Is ignorance so blind to ignore and deny the proof of the hate, which spews out with words that crush and hurt one another? Is not the home a place of peace and belonging?

Words twisted and misunderstood in which the game continues. Giving hope with change and how long must one wait to find that this is fruitless and a basket of rot kills the inner being of the one who feels dead and lost.

Games People Play. The truth is the insanity and sadness of those fools who hold on believing the lies and promises of the other.

In our story we shall change the names. They know who they are and only they can betray themselves. Who cares who they really are for we all know someone or somewhere a triangle of games and lies. Seldom will such love affairs last or work for their desire is always jealousy or inner need when the original woman returns and wishes to feel the changes promised her. The lover clings, takes, whispers for sympathy with no place to go or for whatever reason, thus proves everything is all for herself. No one wishes to be discarded and hangs on for dear life only to destroy what she may think can be destroyed. What is this, pride and vanity? After a time she may decide it is better to take the crumbs and hide her secret life when he is not there and laugh behind his back thinking she is accomplishing that which will never fulfill the needs. She accepts her "strange" relationship with her lover because she has lost.

He calls her "babe" as he does all the women he pulls into his search for lust and personal needs thus we shall call her.

He calls her his "angel" for he finds a burning for her goodness and unconditional love and declares to her his "need for her to forgive him and make things right in his life" and to return so he can prove to her a "love she has never known" thus we shall call her.

Him? What of him? What is he to the women of his past and future? We shall call him Judas for the sake of not having to search further and to move on. *wicked smile*

In the Beginning

Judas and Angel met as so many meet and romance was sweet, as all new beginnings should go. Letters sent, the past spoken and the hurts that are a prayer never to be repeated. Only if this love was a promise to be true and unbroken was their deepest desire.

Many years passed and they tried to put aside the pain of their past but still the immaturity of those that cannot forget or ever get over that, which caused the pain to remain. Demands were made and expected only to cause her to move deeper inside to block what was not being understood. Judas worked hard in his business as did Angel who worked 40 hours only to come home to take care of their needs with doing all the cleaning, most of the cooking, preparing his food when he left for work, the laundry ~ awwwwwwwwww we know the life of a couple and the demands of a home. It is not a strange tale that she is the one who will have to fix that which is broken, do the things her man does not wish to do or have time to do and she always is trying to plan ahead of his needs. She does not have to be told for she is intelligent and mature to know what makes a home happy. His hours are demanding and longer for whatever reason as he longs for his business to be strong and grow therefore he makes the sacrifice to go out and do this which is his dream for himself. They have little time for their personal relationship and never really courted and romanced one another for they are guilty of jumping into the relationship as though they were married from the first day that he moved in with her.

Judas loved Angel, he told her repeated and his dreams were her dreams of their nice home, money to take care of their needs and to have more later in their life and always be content. Oh like so many others to retire and travel and just enjoy family and grandchildren.

Times were violent for them as Judas has a short fuse and his outburst made Angel nervous, outspoken and then withdrawn. She in return had her violent outburst and would strike back in ways that hurt Judas. As a caged animal she would lash out at him in her anger for she had learned well in the past relationships to fight when she felt threatened. As a child she could not strike back at her abusive father’s temper but as an adult there was much bottled up anger that came forth as a volcano spews the hot lava only to destroy what was in her path. It was her “Red Moment” that made her insane with uncontrolled actions. Oh yes, and in time as all the insane people that do have feelings and sanity remaining, there were deep regrets causing much guilt to only be pushed further under the rug and hopefully forgotten. Rugs do wear out and the garbage always remains exposed. Times became dangerous in her mind on several occasions which once involved Judas where she went so far as to pull a gun to stop the confrontation demanding the other to leave her site. She would sit with the gun and think about her insane actions that were overtaking her and felt the only way out was to take her own life. This madness was overtaking her and she was tired of the pain from others as she was also to blame for her part. Judas refuses to acknowledge that he would hit a woman but he is guilty also of striking and she would fight back only to cause more anger. Once when she was the aggressor and slapped him as a child would do lashing out, for looking her in the eyes and lying when she showed him the truth of her proof against him, a disgusting act from an adult, in her mind. He jumped up at her slamming her to the ground on her face because he was angry for more than the slap. Was his ego bruised for being caught in the lie? Was her slap so harmful that she deserved to be attacked also? Perhaps you may know what makes a person slam another to the ground? Do two wrongs make a right? Inside her conscience, she knew she did wrong and made a mistake. She suffered more than humiliation for her two front teeth became weak and were never the same, which caused deformation until they had to be removed.

Through out their relationship it was much like a yo-yo in that one moment there was romance and caring and then other times where there was complete neglect. He denied much of his precious time to be with her, woo her, talk to her, love her for he has an addiction that he admitted started as a young lad. He saw nothing wrong for he was a man! His life as a child, like hers, was abusive but in different ways. He used his addiction and looking for other female friends to punish her for her being so bold as to scold him for his lack of attention and admitted that he would comment to himself "Now, this will make her mad!:" and stay locked away to his private world for hours and days avoiding her only to cause her to withdraw all the more.

Both grew up with parents that loved in their own way but all the same, it was a dysfunctional family of abuse. They could listen and understand one another to a point but for some odd reason they could not take the bad and learn to make good out of it. It seemed to cause a wall of self protection between them for what might happen and in a matter of time, it did happen. She longed for a closeness but loved him and worked in her own way to stand by him; staying loyal as she had learned to do as a child. She gave up her job to come home to take care of his needs and be there for him. Her security would rely on him and she worked in his business opening an office in the home. In his eyes she never did enough and he accused her constantly with words or denial of himself.

When she received an inheritance and gift she decided to expand his business after his telling her he wished to make her a legal business partner. She invested a large sum and worked without pay. He took care of her few bills along with their living expenses and all the while she was happy because she felt she was compensated. She felt strong that the business would grow, they would hire and expand giving him time off and she could go back home to take care of their needs.

There came a time in the beginning they decided to hire telemarketers and she realized the first day she could not sit in the small office and checked on an adjoining office, which she presented to him. He agreed to make the second office as his and she could put her office there when the telemarketer was working but in the process they moved downstairs to 3 adjoining offices for a discount. Thus he had his private office; hers was the reception and then one for the two telemarketers she hired. He was so pleased with her and gloated on all that was moving forward for him. He would sit in his office and tell her how happy he was that she did this for him for he always felt that having all this would allow a seriousness of intent for his clients.

Time for him was freed up when she hired labor but he never could come to the office to help her with decisions that needed to be discussed and approved by him. She ran the business successfully as she also did the bookkeeping and handled the franchise dealings for him. She advertised the business but he felt that was a big waste of time and money. She joined the local Chamber of Commerce and at the functions only she seemed to attend as she met others that desired their service. She tired to get out there and do all she could for the expansion. Sometimes it was for naught however others came to know them. He was excited at the ribbon cutting and enjoyed those that attended as she had shopped and she had prepared for the day to be the best for him. However, for his personal reasons his time was used elsewhere for that made him happy instead of devoting the year he had originally asked her to give him to make the business grow. He didn’t understand it took both of them for only he wished to make the decisions and belittled her with anger for making the decisions without him. She normally worked past the time of going home because she knew he had left home to go to work in the field.

Her money ran out that she invested in his business to buy into the partnership with his franchise company and she offered to get a loan in her name to continue the office and business. His eyes light up with happiness as he hugged her, with her idea that she would do that for him and promised to make sure all the payments were made. He signed a contract promising to pay the money back with interest but he failed her in this. As it turned out, a financial advisor told her to protect herself and instead of using her home as collateral break a CD, have him sign the contract to her and the bank. She took her one and only CD placing it in a joint checking account for his business. She was trusting that she could build it back and in the 5 years of his loan. Both had access to the account with a debit card where his expenses were deducted for supplies along with salary, office lease and office supplies and equipment. It is all documented in black and white and she never used the money for personal reasons as he now claims. It all went to his business for the receipts show the facts.

Times got rough with one of the largest clients dropping out due to a building being torn down. He could not meet the obligation within two months of signing the note to her and she told him it would work out because she admitted for the first time the payments were going to her savings account at that bank to build the CD that she broke for him. He heard this and hugged her and was so grateful that she trusted him that much. He never made a payment to her and she lost the money and to this day he denies using any of the money. Let me remind you, the ink on the statements don’t lie. She was hurt but she loved him and stood by him feeling that in time the business would profit and she would gain in that way. She trusted him no matter his tone or insults to her as he then proclaimed he didn’t want to make her a business partner because she argued with him too much over major decisions. Now understand that in time he came to admit he made the wrong decisions against her advise. She was no fool and could see and understand how others were trying to take advantage of them with advancements that never got paid back. His rants were that there could only be one boss and she would back off for he was right, he was the boss of his company. She allowed herself to be misused in her moments of trying to trust him.

The time was coming when the lease on their office was coming to an end and during one of his conversations he spoke of how he lost the house that he and his previous lover whom he planned to marry, were going to buy. She encouraged him to go out and find a house and make it happen if that was truly his desire. He lacked confidence and to show him he could l have all he wanted, she asked if he would like her to work on it for him. They would look at homes and research the cost and all that is involved for hours and hours together. Even alone he searched for it was a dream he wanted for himself. She found realtors, a loan officer, handled all the transactions, paperwork and it was not until later in the motion of things did they actually meet Judas. He expressed a desire of them getting married in the house for they were not legally married. She never felt they were married however he expressed it did not take a piece of paper to make it so. In his heart and her heart was all that counted to make them married. Thus the reason she trusted him for the years they had been together and she helped him expand his business. Again, with the buying of a house, although things were always in turmoil with his temper tantrums, withdrawals she accepted him for what he was for as his own father taught him. One had to accept these behaviors if they really loved him as he would often say, “Either you accept me for who I am or you don’t!” There were qualities she loved about him and as she had to do growing up, you just weed out the bad with the good. After all, no relationship is perfect. Mmmmmmmmmmmm? (Snickers)

As the story goes, they looked at many houses weighing the good and bad of each. One has to feel sorry for the realtor for this was a first for her in just how many houses had to be looked at. There seemed to be a hidden unrest in each of them that perhaps neither wished to admit honesty to the other.

Tempers were short and words said and in the process Angel felt that she should encourage Judas to buy the house that he wanted and not for her. But, he wanted her to be with him and perhaps deep down he may of sensed she was about to leave for surely she was not happy. With his words of their future together and love proclaimed she remained even with the outburst, which seemed to be a daily ordeal.

They went to the closing on their new home and he had her name removed from the deed. She knew and presented to him how it hurt her and he promised to have her put back on and make it both of their house but he had hidden issues against her and never did as he promised. Angel was hurt as she had been when she found that her business venture investment was lost. She had worked hard to make all this possible for him and now he didn’t want her on the paper. She moved on and pushed it under the rug, you might say thinking that in time he would know she loved him no matter what. They went to the house after the closing and made love to celebrate but saved the champagne since he had to work that night. She cleaned after he left and the next morning on their new home. They talked about a wedding date and it came it was postponed and once again reset the second time only to be cancelled. She had given up in her heart but still hung in to stand by him.

Within months he was hiding telephone calls to women he had been meeting on the Internet. He went so far as to give out their home telephone number and when the women called they either hung up or would boldly ask for him. She was told they were old friends of his. She only knew of one and they said it was not the name she mentioned. Games People Play.

She tired to talk to him about it and work through the problem but he refused to listen or be put off with what he was doing. Whatever that might have been. It literally broke Angels heart, she would not fight to hold him to her and she left. Taking all her furniture and belongings with her. He helped her pack the truck and drove it back to her mountain home. She was numb but she knew she had to move on with her business that she always had on the side. She had always worked her own accounts to pay for the bills back at her house and car because what he had now took all his money. He promised to pay on the four accounts that he, up to the time of this separation, had cards too. He did for a while then purchased credit cards and max’ed them out and then had no funds to reimburse hers. It is funny how one can claim to pay on something with minimum payments and then during the month spend three times the amount of the payment and fuss that they never get paid off. He took them to the limit and Angel lost her credit and is responsible for his debts that are in her name. What can one do but shrug their shoulders and hope to learn a lesson?

Angel left him in July, which was 2 months after the purchase of their new home. She was finding more work and learning to live alone for the first time. Sometimes she would get lonely and drink but we know what happens over time for the pain is great to lose love. One night when she got angry over the past four years she got drunk and called Judas. Crying and cussing him out but then telling him how much she had loved him, stood by him and worked for nothing. You must know by now how that conversation turned out; with rants and raves of anger and accusations of who was at fault. Oh hummmmmmmmmm. We have heard that and perhaps done that ourselves.

A couple of nights later Angel was coming in from work at 3:00 am and Judas called her. Sweet and missing her and as she sat in her driveway looking up at he stars, tired as she was she talked to him. Awwwwwwww finally he comes to the point and tells her he wants her to come down and see him. “Now!?” She inquired. “Please come down and talk to me,” Judas replied. He had been thinking about them and how he made the biggest mistake of his life and needed her. Sitting there she wondered to all this but she promised she would after she went in to shower and feed her fish and birds. He kept calling her to see if she was on her way and during the drive down. She drove the hour and half tired and exhausted only to find him sleeping when she walked in (laughs) Well, you know the rest, he hugs upon seeing her and takes her to bed whispering sweet nothings as lovers do. Thus they are back together.

Angel had reservations but she does as he wishes and puts her house up for sale and starts moving some of her things back down every time she goes up to check on the house. He is working or sleeping so she unloads the load from her car. Oh no! Please don’t think that our story is happy ever after for there is more. Well, Judas has not grown up, he still has his tantrums and although Angel works on her own accounts he wants her to call around for him to have more business. She needs to quit working for herself and stay home but she keeps her accounts all the same for she does have responsibilities with her house and car. Being an honorable woman she takes care of herself, feeds herself and he finally runs out of money where he cannot finish paying off the credit card debt he put her in. She shakes her head for what can a person do but just manage. She sees how he ran up his own debt in the two months while she was gone. Nothing changed, she cleaned the mess up that just happened to appear with her being gone, took care of his laundry, put together a call around sheet and sat to search for his new clients for him, do mail outs and manage his business with his franchise. *wicked grin*

The honeymoon is over once again within the week but finally he decides to secure his position in her life. She didn’t wish to get married and was honest with him but he told her they would. Angel got tired of his words and finally put him to the test and asked him for a date for them to work on it. She felt as the past he would cancel out but lo and behold he took one of the two dates he pushed her to choose. At the end of September she has a wedding to plan for Christmas week. Angel is nervous as was Judas for in the back of both of their minds they wondered but hoped things would change. One can only wonder why he wished to secure his life knowing she was older and would never change her ways as he would not his.

Angel purchased the entire wedding affair with champagne, cake, food, decorations, her pretty silken dark blue dress and hat and paid the preacher. Judas was broke and could not help.

She decorated each side of the fireplace with long mirror tiles she wanted with the sale of the home. The living room was cheerful with a warm cozy fire burning. The mantel held the angels, flowers and candles carefully placed here and there. There was a tall Christmas tree decorated elegantly with the dark blue ornaments, which was of the same color of her dress and hat and silver glistening with the twinkling of the room’s candles and tiny lights. A perfect angel on top as the lights changed colors through the feathers on the wings. They were happy with their family there. Pictures were taken by everyone along with a video to be shared later.

After the first days of their wedding and as New Years came upon them, Judas seemed to always be pushing Angel aside. She desired to have him hold her during the firework displayed at their lake community. He chose to leave her to stand aside as his attention went elsewhere. She wished for her love to give her that special attention as newly weds would share embraced but he always put a family member before her. He became hateful when she expressed her feelings of neglect saying she was trying to come in between him and his son. She wanted the family to be happy as one but Judas always controlled everyone and their emotions. He accused her of being jealous but it was really Judas that was jealous of anyone taking his place in another’s eyes. He was extremely controlling to an unhealthy manner and it always put others on guard and they were never relaxed to be in a group setting. He tired to show his good side but Angel always felt his wrath.

Over the months Angel withdrew so that he could have his time alone and she knew what was going on because she had felt it all before. He hid it until one night, he took it all to a new level and didn’t come home as he normally does after work. Even in the late daylight she worried about his being in an accident or being attacked. She could not sleep after 3:00 am but he could not be reached when she called. Finally Judas answers his phone and relieved she asked if he was all right. He told her he was fine but had a long day ahead doing his contracts. When she inquired to why he had not done them that night he told her that he had been stressed out and had a couple of drinks with a friend and passed out. The only male friend Judas had lived close by them. She asked why he didn’t call her and he said he didn’t wish to discuss it. Well, then she asked if he had been with another woman and he admitted it.

Angry Angel gets on the Internet and looks up the last calls he had been calling for months on his cell, which was in her name and called the women this time around and told them that she was his wife and he was sick! *snickers* And they should be warned and not be hurt by him or his games. It was games for he told her later he would never of left her for any of them.

Needless to say the one he had gone to dinner and a hotel room with was one of the two women who called him back to let him know. Calling Angel back he asked her to stop. Afraid to come home that evening he went to pick up his son to go home with him. It mattered not because Angel was locked away in the bedroom and really didn’t wish to see him.

Judas made Angels life miserable with his bad manners, abusive language and neglect. One cold February night they were drinking and he kept from her and she went below for his attention only to be ignored. As a child she pushed a rack down that held his music and he got up to pick them up cussing at her. Inside she got his attention but still he would not give her what she longed for so once again after he placed them back on the shelf she pushed them again to the floor. He jumped up at her as she ran up the stairs and grabbed her ankle causing her to fall on her face and as he flipped her around causing her back to land on the edge of the stair he socked her thigh which caused a 5 inch round bruise (and a picture to show the horror of it all). She pushed him away with her other foot as she was in so much pain and got up the stairs with him at her back cussing at her and she heard not the words for she was truly frightened for her life; he followed her to the closet as she looked to his sons bedroom to see the door slowly opening she ran into the Master bathroom, pushing the door he took a step in and socked her with his fist in the face causing her to fall back and hit her head on the shelf. Jumping up he grabbed her seeing what he had done she pushed past him grabbing her keys and purse to run out in the night without shoes and coat. By the time she arrived to her mountain home her toes were frozen for there was no heat in the van.

She had to return the next day with his threats of calling the police for her taking his van and only means to go to work since his jeep was being repaired. He tells her he never hits her but she knows he lies or his mind blacks out.

He literally drove her into depression where she hid, left all alone in the bedroom and could not come out for fear of seeing him. She tried to talk to Judas but his mind and heart was with the lover, Babe. The fantasy of a motel room, the new experiences and new refreshing words of love and devotion were music to his ears. He turned Angel into a selfish witch who was a drunk. His words were hateful and for the most part lies about his wife. But that is ok, Babe takes her start and sooths him with promises of her own. She would always be there and take care of him and help him with his business since the wife won’t do it.

She was sick and in bed with the flu and he came in to find her laying there and never asked about her or cared for her needs. He left only to do what he does best in his quiet times alone on his Internet. Nor did she ask for his help the only time she had been sick in all the years they were together.

Funny how when a person gets an audience who will listen to them that they become even more mean and nasty toward their loved one by exaggerating, lying and tell half truths about the only person in their life that ever stood by them in the thick and then, always loyal to the point of never cheating with another no matter how frustrated and neglected they were and trying to love unconditionally.

When Angel was faced with the infidelity of her husband, Judas in April she tried to work with him because he wanted to talk about it, work through it but she saw his heart was not in it. Life in the home was broken and it was such a mess that everyone was at war, lack of respect and all along Babe was there sending him notes and calls even after Judas told her he would try to work it out with Angel. Babe would go about slandering Angels name on the Internet, in public and private for the rest of the days forward. When Judas would blow up at Babe and correct her with the truth and explain he was only saying most of the things against Angel out of anger Babe didn't care, she had what she wanted and proved she had no respect for anyone. Babe has her groupie and it felt good to be the light of the center of attention and she really didn't care how she maintained it. Are people really such fools and don't see that this has repeated itself in the past? Is a friend so sure that a person such as this won't use their personal problems to air to get ahead in the world of a low life society? Beware my friend for what you laugh at now will come to you one day for there are a lot of such Babe's out there to try to destroy you and your reputaion. Oh my but don't we all make mistakes but aren't we suppose to learn and try to be a better person. In time, games people play will be the destructiveness of their downfall. They lose in the end and those who wish to be rid of the drama move on, do they not?

Angel could not trust anymore. She lost and she accepted the fact and she was broken. Her life was completely falling apart when her car's transmission went out and she didn’t have the funds to fix it. Judas of course could not help his wife for his money was being spent on his addiction with the Internet, fun and the piled up bills he made for himself.

One day Angel got up from bed and fell to her knees because she could not go on. She really didn’t know how to stop the sell on her house in the mountains, take care of her business and accounts and she felt the hopelessness. She cried long and hard thinking her heart was about to bust. Finally she broke down and cried to the Lord. She was spilling her heart out to Him when Judas walked in on her and for the first time ran to her thinking she was sick. He held her and cried with her and made love to her. But, for Angel it was over for before that moment that Judas came upon her, the Lord told her to go through the motions and she knew what that meant deep within her heart.

For the next month Angel started secretly getting her things out of the house and into storage. She had no idea how to get a few pieces of furniture out but she didn’t worry about it. She had broken down and told her son about the mess she got herself in and he told her he would buy her a car and help her with getting her mortgage caught up if she would leave Judas. She knew the Lord was opening doors for her and she moved as she was told to do. She got the money transfer, Judas took her to look at a car and she didn’t like the one she was offered and then a better car was offered with a big discount. She didn’t have the difference but Judas promised to help her with it. Out of the extra $500.00 he only gave her $200.00 and she had to find the balance. But, it came through for God is good to His children who trust Him.

Angel wanted to leave a certain time of the month when Judas would be on the longest workday of his week. She didn’t know what to do but a call came in from her brother and asked for a place to stay for the night. She picked him up and asked for his help, which he gave to her. She hired several young men in the neighborhood to help them with the only 2 pieces of furniture she took with her. Angel left Judas some of her furniture, dishes, pans, glasses, linen and things she knew would keep his house alive and needing. Later she gave him more furniture when he visited her at her mountain home because she has always had more than she needed throughout her life.

Do you not find it mysterious how one can tell when something is going on behind their back? Well, Judas the night before Angel left took her in his arms after not talking to her for a week and completely neglected her very existence and told her he had been thinking about them. He wanted to start over and for her to stay home and just take care of him. He would go out and find the clients himself and make the business grow. He would prove to her how much he loved her and things would be right for them. Angel listened to him with tears in her eyes wishing to trust that he finally woke up and would change but she was still numb with fear. She wanted more than anything to stay and continue to love him but she needed to be away from him to get herself whole again. She had fallen into being a person she did not like and wanted to be good and a blessing for other not a burden. She had started drinking during the days of her abuse and failed with her Spirituality. She had for the first time in her life a taste of a true love and care through the miracles given from her Lord and she desired that with all her being.

Angel did not sleep well that night thinking of the words he had spoken to her, she cried and the next day she left Judas while he was at work. He called her to say how he loved her and she would feel the tears wondering if she was making a mistake because more than anything she loved Judas and wanted his change to be real for her. His promises were gold to her but she really felt that if they separated that it would give both of them time to work on what was causing the breakdown. They were not learning how to be good to one another. She was also counting on his previous comments that if anything ever happened to them he would never have another woman in their house. There were too many memories to share the house.

It was one year exactly in July 2006 from the first separation that Angel left Judas. Angel went home, stopped the sell of her house that was in motion and built her business up where she is extremely happy with her accomplishments. She is growing stronger and confident with each day that takes her deeper and deeper in understanding her Spirituality.

The following February that Angel left Judas they started talking again. He had been paying her automobile insurance and cell phone since she had not taken the utilities out of her name. It would of caused him a burden she knew with past due bills from a previous relationship and deposits. She felt it was time to move on with their lives and remove these final steps. They seemed to talk, not argue and Judas was actually pleasant to talk to.

He was growing closer to her once again with the things he said to her and she found out that he was seeing Babe. She was not surprised at all but what surprised her to find out was that Babe had moved herself into their home. As he told it to her, Babe was slowly moving her stuff into the home and he knew he was not stopping her or saying anything against it.

Angel didn’t care nor was she ever jealous of Babe or any other woman for that matter because for her the relationship was broken and too difficult to even contemplate to repair. She knew enough about Babe to know the woman was a liar about her past, desperate and in need for her own survival. For a price anyone can find on the Internet and through other people the truth about those in their lives.

She made arrangements to go down and get the rest of her little things from the house. She told Judas what she wanted and he said he would be there although she had a key. He never once told her she could not have what was hers till she got there. She went to their bedroom to see a baby crib next to her bed. It sickened Angel to know a child slept next to an adult bed for these two were not divorced and living as they were. How many fools are there in this world that believe another, even a child, does not hear what is going on while they sleep, even if they don't understand what is going on? Later it was stated to Angel that the little girl would wake up frightful, screaming and demanding to be put in Judas and Babe's bed. Here we now have a nervous child as she is now living with two adults who seem to screaming and having abusive fights and having sex in the same room as she sleeps. The only reason the grandchild is in the custody of the grandmother Babe is because of the verbal fights in the original home between Babe's adult daughters but still this continues. The neighbors surely hear all the screaming and fights and do nothing about it for the sake of the child. The only thing that came to Angels mind was child abuse knowing the child has probably woke up to the sex.

Judas was putting something in the trailer for her and she went out to help him. Told him to leave room for her twin bed and he told her she could not have it. Well, she already knew why because it was evident that Babe was there, was it not! She went upstairs to get it herself but he pushed her away from it and she had to call the police because he was yelling at her to get out of his house. She had gone to the expense and time to drive down 70 miles to get her things and meant to have them and never return. The police went to Angel and told her to get what was most important which was her business files for court as they went to talk to Judas.

She left the bed because as she told Judas she would never have anything to do with it and was only good to be burnt since his "slut" wallered all over it (laughs wicked) He would not let Angel leave until she sat on the steps and talked to him. He told her he adored her and didn’t want to hurt her but felt she was never going to return. She heard all about the only reason Babe was there and that was he was only lonely and hurt by her leaving him. Angel didn’t wish to be there anymore but he was being abusive in holding her there in that she had to sit and listen to him in order to get away.

From that moment on, Judas has been trying to work on his relationship with Angel. He works hard to be bluntly honest with her no matter if she wished to hear it or know it will hurt. He adores her and begs Angel not to shut the door on him, to talk to him, work on the relationship and give him time to deal with Babe. In time she will be gone and completely out of their lives. He tells Angel things that are between him and his lover and that he made a mistake ever having the affair and bringing Babe into his house but now there are issues on how to get her to leave. How Babe says she has no place to go, will change to make him happy only to sit there and do nothings while she messes with his personal things and destroys them. He shares with Babe how when he and Angel spend the day together how he does not wish to go to his house, that there is no life with Babe for he leaves the room when she enters to get away from her, can't stand her smoking and sitting all day on her fat ass, he won't kiss her and finds kissing Angel erotic. Judas is trying to separate himself from the granddaughter because he knows they will leave, as he wants them to do in a short time. He does not have respect for Babe for stealing her granddaughters from their mothers. Babe thinks the way to having money is to have foster children and receive from the state. She is happy to sit all month waiting to collect her food stamps and money from the government. Judas claims to detest others using the system because they are too lazy to work. They have verbal explosive moments and now he has lied to Babe so not to hurt her and make her feel good about the relationship but over these months he verbally and emotionally abuses her. She now knows what Angel warned her about when it comes to his neglect and verbal abuse. Does Babe acknowledge the truth? Not to those she tries to impress for she can only lash out with her fantasy of wanting more from Judas. Babe’s family who lived with them for a while knows the truth what goes on in that house. Judas fights with her over this, calls her names, neglects her trying to make her leave. Babe has found her nitch in that Judas never meant for Angel to leave and would comment in the good old days that he would never push his wife out therefore Babe is secure in her fantasy.

When Angel has doubts and asks Judas about the things Babe puts on her blogs to her friends, he tells her that he confronted Babe about it and said she exaggerated the truth and Babe's only remark was that was how she hoped it would be. And her friends believe in her fantasy and lies. How does that make one who stands by you feel when they find out the real truth or will you allow the real truth to be known?Babe is extremely jealous and explosive of the times that Judas will go and see Angel. When he returns and shares how beautiful and sexy his wife is, how she is a good woman, her age is not a factor or anything she has, the explosion starts all over again with Babe. Now Babe sees the side of Judas that Angel ran from however the difference now is that he tells Babe to get out of his house constantly. He degrades her with what kind of woman she is and her ignorance, how she is trying to live her motherhood once again by stealing her granddaughters from her daughters, how she and her family uses him, has destroyed his house. Babe now is living the side of life that no one needs to see in a man. But, she will not leave because she is afraid Angel will get Judas back. She now states she will remain with Judas giving him permission to keep his wife on the sideline *snickers wickedly* Babe has found that Judas will not give up his wife for her and now goes to her blogs and friends to post things that will cause Angel to get angry, mistrust Judas and make her run away. She will be there to pick up the pieces once the wife completely gets out of her lovers life for he gets depressed when Angel withdraws. She does not count on Judas being the stronger to talk to Angel and convince her of Babe's games for he swears their life is a waste of his time and he regrets his mistake against Angel in having the affair. The difference is Babe needs a handout and having sex once a month with Judas is a small price to pay than moving on with her life and showing the failure. More Games People Play.

What a nice setup to have but it is only a matter of time that Babe will get caught running off with Judas automobile or get picked up to meet a lover. But then, perhaps she will feel safe and bring the lover into their bed thinking Judas will be at work all weekend or night *wicked grins* when the house is empty but for her. Fools always make a mistake and it always comes to light when one looks and pays attention. Games People Play.

Many abused women who wish to love have learned to have a high tolerance to how much they will take.

Angel could not take the abuse but she had learned to love Judas; to look over his immaturity and be his friend all the same. He really is nothing special for she treats all those in her life in a genuine friendship. There is always a limit to how much one should tolerate with another. Time is very valuable and to continue on a destructive road to nowhere is fruitless. Words are cheap and actions really speak of the person’s intent.

As for Angel, she is extremely happy in her little mountain home and feels to be the richest person alive with love and grace by those that stood by her with the Lords help. She wishes the relationship with her husband would work out for she loves the man but she does not like the games being played. She realizes in all honesty that there is much work in order to even begin to rebuild such a relationship but they are thinking about private counseling to mend the bridge and seeing where that will take them.

As for Babe, she wants to prove she can keep Judas and change him in her own ways by manipulation and lies, does not want Angel to have him and will always be in need of a man. Thus her past will live and die with her unless she learns to love herself enough to take care of her own needs without the help of others. She will hide the truth from DFAC, submits her granddaughter to this disruptive home life of hearing a daily dose of screaming abuse from both of them than move on. In her own way, Babe is abusing the child for the sake of money, selfishness and ignorance. Awwwwww, but now we have yet another generation from a dysfunctional family.

Babe does not accept that Judas is kicking her out of his life and blames Angel for her problems in the relationship. Truth be known, it is no others fault but Babes for her lies, false promises, games and her own personal neglect. But, like many people who wish to blame others for their mistakes, she feels better and ties that silk sash around not only her eyes but those she lies to.

As for Judas, he tries to explain to Angel how he longs for her and her "love is too precious to do away with." He tries again to share with her intimate secrets hoping she will not use them against him. He loves her, there is no doubt, he tries to assure her with tokens of trust and means to remove that which hurts her. He wants her to wait for him and allow him just a little more time and he promises her his heart completely. He is honest with Babe in telling her of his devoted love for his wife and that she must make arrangements to leave.


Well, thus ends the story of the Lover’s Triangle.

Fools as they may be all over the world but there is always hope for the sane and those of pure hearts.

Angel, Please Forgive Me, I Can't Stop Loving You. Judas

Please Forgive Me
By Brian Adams

Still feels like our first night together,
Feels like the first kiss,
It's gettin' better. baby, no one can better this.
Still holdin' on, you're still the one.
First time our eyes met,
Same feelin' I get,
Only feels much stronger,
Wanna love you longer.
You still turn the fire on.

So if you're feelin' lonely, don't,
You're the only one I ever want.
I only wanna make it good,
So if I love you a little more than I should
Please forgive me, I know not what I do,
Please forgive me, I can't stop lovin' you.
Don't deny me, this pain I'm goin' through,
Please forgive me if I need you like I do.
Please believe me every word I say is true,
Please forgive me, I can't stop lovin' you.

Still feels like our best times are together,
Feels like the first touch,
Still gettin' closer, baby, can't get close enough,
Still holdin' on, still number one.
I remember the smell of your skin,
I remember everything,
I remember all your moves,
I remember you.
I remember the nights, ya know I still do.


One thing I'm sure of
Is the way we make love
And one thing I depend on
Is for us to stay strong.
With every word and every breath I'm prayin',
That's why I'm sayin'
Please forgive me, I know not what I do,
Please forgive me, I can't stop lovin' you.
Don't deny me, this pain I'm goin' through,
Please forgive me if I need you like I do.
Babe, believe me every word I say is true,
Please forgive me if I can't stop lovin' you.
Never leave me, I don't know what I'd do,
Please forgive me, I can't stop lovin' you.

Can't stop lovin' you.


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