Monday, October 08, 2007

The Silence is Broken from Judas

Your love is much too precious to loose

v s1 has sent you a message
Tuesday October 2, 2007 - 10:30 am EDT
Sent To: xxxxxxxxx (my angel)
Your love is much too percious to loose
I wish I knew how to keep it . Things around here hav"nt changed much and its not what you think . What you wote about me left me feeling naked and exposed . The funny thing is that about 60% of was'nt even ture but your readers dont know that . It's not that I really care what they think , It more the fact that things , words , experiences and thoughts that were shared privately , intimately between you and me were now being exposed to the world . I could never do that to you , you might as well took a nude picture of me and exposed it to the world . STILL I love you with all my heart and the best day in my recent memeroy was the day that we spent walking the square . I just wanted to find my way back to you and the beauty of you just being you had showne me the light . It is the tourch of your love , of the love that burns deep within you heart . It calls to me and I listen and I feel all that burns deep within this heart of mine and all that I want is for you and I to be ONE in all that we do for as long as we live .But ,, as I said to you on that beautiful day ,"what happens when the honeymoon is over " The truth is that your love have lifted me high and we have soared together in warm embrace . it reminds me of a song by Aretha Franklin , " We stood on the walls of happness , we stood on the walls of love , we stood on the walls of security , so high in love ...With her arms around me it was like a fary tale . two people so in love , tell me how could it fail . Walls started shaking , I heard love crying out . happiness was giving away , security was crumbling down , SHE fell I fell ,,,,, and all ther is left to tale ,, is all the kings horses and all the kings men could'nt put our two hearts , together again . Kinda sad and not quite us but what I want you to know is that every break up has totaly crushed me emotionally . I want to talk

The Black Rose NOTE:

I was given permission to post this email *laughs*

I really wanted to go back and edit with the correct spelling and grammar but then that would not be fair.

It is to state the facts of how a man (Judas) loves the woman (Angel) of his life and how he desires for her to come back to him, forgive him and love him.

It is sad when a woman is discarded and one can feel the pain as she lashing out slandering and blaming that person that really is not responsible for her own downfall.

Know one thing Babe; Angel, from the bottom of her heart, sincerely feels sorry for you and your broken heart but as was told to her, you could not keep "your man", you lost girl and it is all over but walking away with your tail between your legs. Foolishness, ignorance and immaturity are coming from you now as you lash out and really is not very becoming. Your words and actions are your downfall and no one is hurt by them but you.. But, that is ok! Anyone can be anything they want on the Internet

*wicked smile*
Wicked Dreams, The Black Rose


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